Saturday Evening Online Zoom Service
Click here to access Gill’s full sermon
Easter Sunday Service
Click here to access Aaron’s full Easter sermon
Click here to access Mel’s full sermon
Click here to access Steven’s full sermon
Did you know you can watch our services and inspiring Sunday messages on YouTube or on our podcast by clicking on the following links – Soundcloud and iTunes? Please subscribe to the one you use so as not to miss out. Links for all 3 now on our home page at
Synergie Youth
By Clara Dowds
Psalm 31:2
“your high cliff aerie a place of safety” MSG
“A hiding place on high” TPT
“This made me think and wonder why the image of a cliff aerie is used. I searched up the meaning of aerie and this is the definition :
“high or inaccessible place from which someone can observe what is below them.”
Two things came to mind.
First, God’s hiding place is inaccessible to the enemy, He holds us high above the enemy’s reach.
Secondly, it gives us a new vantage point. When we are on a cliff aerie we can see for miles.
When we make Jesus our hiding place and run to Him in times of trouble, he gives His vantage point so we can view our situation through His eyes, His perspective ”
Okipe Virtual Event
What: Our 2nd Virtual Event
When: Saturday, May 7th, at 5:00 pm UK Time
Why: To hear good news stories from this year as well as see and hear from Mme Soliette and the children directly from Haiti!
Who: We would love to have you join us! This event will be about 50 minutes long.
for the Zoom link.
PLEASE NOTE: 5:00 pm UK Time
I want to take a moment to say a HUGE thank you to all of our supporters. For many years, you have donated, prayed, and/or visited Mme. Soliette and the children at the Children’s Village in Haiti. Your efforts do not go unnoticed and we really could not help Mme. Soliette if it wasn’t for your generosity.
Amy Vail
Okipe Chairperson
Please click on the image below to take you directly to their website.
Peter Hall Guest Speaker
We are delighted to announce and welcome Peter Hall as our guest speaker on Sunday 15th May.
Peter Hall is married with 3 children and 2 grandchildren. He is Australian born but has called Scotland home since 2011. Peter is our wonderful accountant for The Vine Church, The Vine Conference Centre & also the Synergie Youth Project.
In 2018, he went to Ukraine in the Donbas region where the war is raging. He is in regular contact with three Pastors there. Peter and his wife Caroline have a passion to see the Kingdom of God grow in influence and power in Scotland, and they have devoted their life to the Scottish Church.
Baby Dedication – 15th May
Leah Rose Alexander
Daughter of Natalia & Mike Alexander, and sister to Rosa. Natalia says, “I have been coming to the Vine since February 2018. Prior to that I went to Destiny Church Dunfermline & Destiny Church Gorgie location. I was brought up in a Christian home and was baptised when I was 11. I want to keep on growing in Christ!”
Children are a gift from God.
A dedication is a celebration, a commitment and a blessing.
“Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a real blessing.” Psalm 127:3
Baptism Sunday – 19th June
“We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. – Romans 6:4″
Baptism is a public declaration of faith and your commitment to Jesus Christ. It is a symbol of the beginning of a new life – the old life is left behind in the waters.
Sign up now to be baptised by clicking here to access the form.
There will be a Baptism class on Sunday the 12th June from 10:30am – 11:15am in the Kintail room at the Vine Church. This is to help you prepare for your baptism and answer any questions you may have.
Pioneer Prayer – Tue 10th May 2022
Pioneer Prayer is on most Tuesday nights from 9-930pm.
Revive Wellbeing Hub & Cafe
REVIVE Wellbeing Hub & Cafe is officially 1 year old!
Revive Events
May Mindfulness
Some great ideas here to make each day in May more meaningful
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Free Evangelism Course
Learning to Share the Gospel with Confidence
Dear Friend,
You can learn how to put God’s truth into practice with the Tony Evans Training Centre on our website or on our app. Sign up today & enjoy your free evangelism course!
- Explore the richness of God’s Word wherever you are.
- Learn from Tony Evans with courses on Ephesians, the Gospel of John, prayer, spiritual warfare, spiritual growth and much more.
- Discover how you can build a stronger personal ministry based on God’s kingdom agenda.
Hope for Justice
Ukraine Crisis: Hope for Justice joins more than 25 human rights groups with urgent message to mobile networks.
Click the image below to learn more.
Little Prayer Warriors: 3 Children and Their Powerful Faith Journeys
Faith can move mountains. Prayer according to God’s will can produce miracles. Let’s meet three Compassion sponsored children and their unwavering faith in our Lord. They’re an encouragement to all of us to never give up hope.
Compassion UK
Sponsor a child and save a life.
Click image below to find out about sponsoring a child with Compassion UK:
Open Doors UK & Ireland
Pastor Andrew’s church was burned to the ground by Boko Haram – but he chose to rebuild.
When Pastor Andrew’s village was attacked by Boko Haram, the church was burned down, and his congregation scattered. Violence against Christians is growing in Nigeria and across West Africa – but that didn’t stop Pastor Andrew from rebuilding his church. Your prayers and support are instrumental in helping our church family in West Africa to persevere in their faith. To find out more, click the image below.
Care for the Family
Ever felt like you’re connected online … but not really to each other?
Cathy Madavan shares a few tips on building marriage in a digital world. Click here to read more.
RightNow Media – Mission in Motion
In Matthew 28:19, Christians are called to “make disciples of all nations.” But what does it actually look like to follow Jesus’s purpose for his followers? In this four-session series for small groups, Claude Hickman and Todd Ahrend answer this question and examine ways that each of us can be involved in God’s great mission. To watch the trailer click on the picture below.
RightNow Media
Free access for Vine members to RightNow Media which is like the Netflix of Christian Bible Study. Please email Colleen your email address if you would like free access.
Free to Vine members if you have accessed RightNow Media from your email invitation. Please email Colleen if you have any issues accessing your gift.
Have you joined our closed Vine Church Facebook Group yet?
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To keep up to date with Vine church events and to easily export the dates into your diaries please see Vine events page:
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Donate Now
Synergie Youth
Donate Now
If you’re a UK taxpayer, you can sign up for GiftAid!
Did you know that by simply completing a form, we can claim back an additional 25% of your giving from HMRC at no cost to you. So if you give £100, we can claim an additional £25 from HMRC! As you can imagine, this amounts to a significant sum which allows us to do more to advance the Kingdom of God. To find out more, contact the Vine office or print off the Gift Aid form here and hand into the Vine office. | 01383 631 001