
We are so thankful for the generosity of so many people at The Vine Church. Their support enables the vision of this local church to be outworked. Over and above Sunday morning voluntary offerings, there are a number of ways in which you can give.

You can also give by the following methods:
Giving Envelopes:

As a church we have giving envelopes which are available every Sunday. If you wish to make a cash or cheque  donation you can put it inside one of these envelopes and put it in the offering bag.  You can also give by card payment by filling in the relevant section on the giving envelope.   There is also a form on this envelope for you to Gift Aid your contribution.

Standing Orders:

Standing orders are a great way to give as it just comes to us directly from your bank and helps us plan and outwork the church vision.
Our bank details are:
Sort Code: 82-62-19
Account Number: 70527853
Clydesdale Bank plc, 64 High Street, Dunfermline, Fife, KY12 7DF

You can download a print off a Main Account Standing order form here.

Gift Aid:

Gift Aid is a government initiative that allows us to claim back 25p for every £1 donated. If you are a UK taxpayer and the tax you’ve paid for the year in which you make your donation is at least equal to the amount of basic rate tax then you qualify for this scheme.  You can complete your Gift Aid from below or if it’s easier clicking here to complete it in ChurchSuite.

Download a print a Gift Aid declaration form here  or pick up one from the church office.

Sunday Services

Lots of people attend church here every Sunday. We meet at 10am..

Looking for a church?

Contact us to find out more about the Vine Church. We would be happy to answer any of your questions.

Listen Online

If you have missed any of our Sunday services or would like to listen to our latest sermons you can catch up here.