Peter Hall – Ukraine Ministry | 15/05/22

Sometimes when we are faced with needs greater than our resources, we need to “look up and give thanks” that your Heavenly father knows what you need.

Before Jesus fed the five thousand in Mark 6:41-43 , He “looked up and gave thanks”. But Jesus was not just giving thanks for the five loaves and two fishes. He was getting the Father’s perspective on the problem He was facing. Jesus had to feed five thousand people with just five loaves and two fishes. His need was greater than His resources. Jesus was giving thanks for what the Heavenly Father was about to do.

As Jesus and the Disciples began to distribute the limited food they had, everyone was fed. Not only that, there was more than enough! How did that happen? The Father multiplied the food so that the need was met.

Sometimes when we are faced with needs greater than our resources, we need to “look up and give thanks” that your Heavenly father knows what you need. As you regain His perspective, you will find all you need is available.


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