“God has a brand new, Holy Spirit fire to pour out on every single one of your worst-case-scenarios!”
– Jimi Dowds
“Be of good cheer,” you say, when we are surrounded by a deluge of troubles! Am I the only head scratcher when I read such verses sometimes? But hey, all through the best-selling book, God reveals how to bring every dead bone moment into one that’s bursting with life.
There are two items on life’s menu every single day, like magnets pulling up your chair at the table: pity party or praise party. And we get to choose, along with some secret sauce. In my message, we see in God’s word the miracle sauce that turns every worst-case scenario into YOUR VERY BEST CASE SCENARIO.
– Jimi Dowds
Watch Jimi Dowds’ latest message at our YouTube channel by clicking the link below:
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