Church Services User Agreement

Church Services User Agreement Form

When attending the Vine Church I agree to follow the following as detailed more fully in our Coronavirus Action Plan.

  1. Entry to the building.  We would like to request that you take a lateral flow test on the morning before a service and not attend if it is positive. Everyone without symptoms should test themselves twice weekly with free lateral flow device tests (LFD) to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
  2. I will ensure I do not enter the building if the answer to any of the following questions is YES:

Do you have a new or continuous cough?

Do you have a high temperature?  (“A high temperature is feeling hot to the touch on your chest or back (you don’t need to measure your temperature). You may feel warm, cold or shivery.” )

Do you currently have a loss of taste or smell?

Have you been in contact with someone with the above symptoms and been asked to self-isolate, or been in contact with a confirmed case of Coronavirus?

2.  I will ensure I follow hygiene measures as detailed below to help prevent spread of Coronavirus:

  • Perform hand hygiene regularly using soap and water or alcohol based hand rub particularly before and after eating.

Washing hands with liquid soap and warm water

Hand hygiene using Alcohol Based Hand Rub (ABHR)

  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid direct contact with people that have a respiratory illness wherever possible.
  • Avoid using personal items (e.g. mobile phone) of people that have a respiratory illness wherever possible. Cover the nose and mouth with a disposable tissue when sneezing, coughing, wiping and blowing the nose. Dispose of all used tissues promptly into a waste bin. If you don’t have any tissues available, cough and sneeze into the crook of the elbow. Wash hands at the first opportunity.

3. I will follow the one-way system in place at the Vine Church and I will follow the guidelines for use of toilets (no more than 2 ladies/ one gent to use the toilets at one time)

4. I will ensure I keep social distancing at all times within the Vine Church building. Before and after the service I will not gather in groups in corridors/rooms/foyer for discussion but will leave the premises straight after the service.

5. If someone develops Coronavirus symptoms I will respond quickly and I will inform the Vine Church Administrator, Colleen Izatt immediately.

6. I will ensure I wear a Face Covering at all times within the Vine Church building. I will follow the advice given on Face Coverings*:

  • wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for 20 seconds or use hand sanitiser before putting a face covering on, and after removing it
  • it should cover your nose and mouth
  • when wearing a face covering, avoid touching your face or face covering, as you could contaminate them with germs from your hands
  • change your face covering if it becomes damp or if you’ve touched it
  • continue to wash your hands regularly
  • change and wash your face covering daily
  • if the material is washable, wash in line with manufacturer’s instructions. If it’s not washable, dispose of it carefully in your usual waste
  • practice social distancing wherever possible

7. I will ensure no provision of or sharing of food on the premises. Food and drink can be consumed in the café (if it is open) but a table must be booked beforehand and the following must be adhered to:

  • No more than 6 people from a maximum of 2 households should be meeting in venues at one time as 1 group
  • Where 2m isn’t possible, ensure at least 1m physical distancing from those from different households
  • Face coverings must be worn inside the venue except when at your table
  • Supply your contact details for Test and Protect
  • Pay attention to guidance and instructions from staff
  • You should be seated, with table service, not standing, dancing, or queuing
  • Avoid singing or shouting – this increases the risk of transmission
  • When the time is up I will leave the café socially distanced and not gather for discussions in rooms/corridors/foyer
The Scottish government guidelines state: “Physical distancing and good hand hygiene remain the most effective measures in reducing the transmission of COVID-19.  Therefore, distancing requirements need to be maintained, where reasonably practicable, at all times, including when you are waiting to enter premises and when you are seated.” 

8. I have assessed my own health risk and am fully satisfied that it is safe for me to attend the Vine Church services.

If I have a health condition that means I am likely to require First Aid (such as I am prone to seizures or panic attacks for example) then we would ask you to attend our services online and not in person at this time to keep yourself and others safe.

9. I will ensure I register my attendance at all services for Test and Protect.

10. I will ensure I take full responsibility for my children and that they adhere to the guidelines also.

  • If I bring my children to a Vine service I must ensure they also adhere to the guidelines above.  I must ensure my children stay with me throughout the service and sit next to me at all times.  The Scottish government guidelines state:“Parents or guardians should ensure children maintain physical distancing and good hand and respiratory hygiene whilst they remain in any part of the place of worship’s grounds or premises.”To ensure my children maintain physical distancing I will ensure they remain with me at all times and are not permitted to wander around the building on their own or with other children.  The latest guidance states:“Children under 12 are not required to maintain social distancing with other children or between children and adults. However, it is still best to limit the number of people they interact with and follow good hygiene practice. Under 12s should not, for example, go round the room greeting other worshippers on behalf of their family.

    Children aged 5 and over must wear face coverings, unless they have an exemption. Only schools and regulated childcare settings are excluded from this requirement.

    Parents or guardians should ensure children maintain appropriate physical distancing and good hand and respiratory hygiene whilst they remain in any part of the place of worship’s grounds or premises. General guidance relating to coronavirus and children is available on the ParentClub website.”

11. I confirm I have been following Scottish government guidelines with respect to meeting others and getting tested when displaying symptoms etc

If you have not been adhering to Scottish government COVID  guidelines we ask you not to attend the Vine Church services as you will be putting other people at risk.  We would ask you to attend our online services instead.   

*Face coverings

In line with other public indoor spaces, from 8 August face coverings must be worn within places of worship. For these purposes, a face shield is not considered to be a face covering.

Worshippers must wear a face covering at all times while they are within the place of worship.

Where essential to the act of worship, briefly removing a face covering to consume food or drink is permissible.

Other exemptions to the wearing of a face covering, including for health reasons, can be found in the guidance on the use of face coverings.

The wearing of face coverings must not be used as an alternative to other precautions including physical distancing, hand washing and respiratory hygiene.

Please sign Agreement Form:

MM slash DD slash YYYY

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