7 Words to Experiencing the Miraculous
Photo by Jonathan Zerger on Unsplash
Yet if you say so, I will
7 words to experiencing the miraculous
The fishing boats had been out all night long on the lake of Gennesaret. They had worked hard, gone without sleep, tried everything they knew, used their years of experience and knowledge and get not even one fish. After many hours of trying everything they knew, they persevered in the hope that surely they would catch something.
They hated giving up so stayed as long as they could but then the glow of the orange sun started to rise and reflect on the glassy sea. They reflected on a disappointing night. The realisation began to sink in that they would need to give up. Another day.
So they rowed back to shore and began to wash their nets probably with defeat, disappointment, frustration and some anxiety weighing in on them.
Jesus then shows up and asks Simon to put out his boat a little from the shore and he taught from his boat.
After his teaching he tells Simon to go out into deep water and let down his nets for a catch. You can imagine some of the thoughts going through his head;
We’ve been at it all night and not caught a thing, there’s no fish out there and we are wasting our time.
We’ve just finished washing our nets and will have to start all over again.
I’m exhausted from working all night without a catch.
We’ve used all our strength, energy, experience and knowledge and not been able to change the situation.
Simon possibly felt as we do on many occasions. Exhausted. Spent. Disappointed. Frustrated. Anxious. Desperate for something to happen and yet finding it physically impossible to change the situation. At the end of ourselves.
Yet if you say so, I will.
The miracle started when Simon allowed Jesus on his boat.
That’s a good place to start. Jesus wants to come into that place of disappointment and frustration. He wants to meet you right at your point of failure. On your boat. He wants to walk right into that place of impossibility.
Jesus finishes what he’s doing teaching the people then tells Simon to put the boat into deep water and let down the nets for a catch.
What does Simon do? He Shema’s the voice of Jesus. He listens, pays attention, responds and acts. What was his response and action?
“Yet if you say so, I will.”
7 simple words leading to the miraculous.
There was possibly some resistance and doubts in Simon yet he was committed to responding; “not my will but yours be done.”
And that was the start of the miracle.
And it’s the start of your miracle and mine.
Invite Jesus into your boat.
Listen to him speak.
Hear what He says.
Pay attention.
It possibly made no sense to the highly experienced fishermen yet this miracle teaches us that obedience to the commands of Jesus (instructions/directions/teaching from the heart of someone deeply in love with us) is more important than understanding.
It didn’t make sense. It would involve some hard work. They would have to swallow their pride yet…
if you say so, I will.
It’s an issue of hearing, obedience and will. I will. I will do what you say Jesus because even though it may be hard, I know you love me and want to bless me. And look at the result:
“When they had done this, they caught so many fish that their nets were beginning to break.” Luke 5:6 NRSV
So invite Jesus onto your boat. Listen to his teaching. Hear what his instructions are to you. Pay attention. Respond. Act.
There is no miracle until the response. Jesus wasn’t going to do it for them. They had to act. They had to do the hard thing. But this time they did it with Jesus on their boat.
It all comes down to trust. Would Simon trust him to allow Him on his boat? Would He trust He knew best? Would He trust Him more that he trusted his disappointment, failure and pain?
When we listen, we may have toiled all night. But the words of Jesus can still bring miraculous transformation and provision to the most impossible situations in your life.
His words may not be easy. They may be difficult. You may be tired and exhausted. But listen. Pay attention. Respond. Act. And be amazed at what He can do when you respond:
Yet if you say so, I will.
Jesus said similar words to the Father when praying in the Garden of Gethsemane:
“Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me; yet, not my will but yours be done.”
Luke 22:42 NRSV
This is true sonship. This is what it means to be a follower of Jesus. This is true discipleship. It’s not showing up 1.8 Sundays per month to a show, it’s surrender. Not my will but yours be done.
If you are willing Father, remove this cup from me; yet if you say so, I will.
Jesus drank that cup of suffering so your cup can overflow. Trust His love for you when you look to the Cross. Meditate on that grace and love He has for you and let go and trust Him.
Yet if you say so, I will.
“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long.”
Psalms 23:5-6 NRSV
Yet if you say so, I will. The question is;
Will you?