I need to remember there’s another in the fire also.
“How do I carry on in a world full of fear?
Better yet – how do I carry on when I’m full of fear?
I don’t get preachers immunity.
Food prices, energy costs, interest rates, war, instability. I live right in the middle of the current circumstances and try to raise my family and run my business even when my heart feels paralysed, my stomach is in knots and my mind is test driving every negative outcome.
I’m in the fire – same as many others. I need to remember there’s another in the fire also.
If I’m going to walk by faith and not fear I’m going to need to walk on something more consistent than shifting sand. I’m going to need to walk on a word
Over the next twenty minutes I’m going to preach this message – to myself – but invite you to come with me because I believe there’s freedom on the other side. Let’s go for a walk…….“
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