Paradise Re-Opened
Easter is of great significance in the Christian calendar. On Easter we remember the empty tomb and Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. But what does Easter mean for you and I today? What does it mean during a pandemic? How does it impact and affect my life today?
Well Easter is the climax to the passion week that includes Jesus’ arrest, crucifixion and burial. The story continues from Good Friday to Resurrection Sunday to Pentecost Sunday when the HOLY Spirit is poured out on all flesh. But what was the result of all this?
The result is that Paradise has been re-opened. Access to the very presence of God was limited from Adam to Jesus. But Easter Sunday is the day the revolution began and Paradise re-opened. Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, it is now possible to DRAW NEAR to God.
Unlimited access to the King is now possible because He is not only King but the King is your Abba, your daddy.
The King’s kids can come into His presence any time they like and the King loves to treat His kids.
But the greatest treats are not His gifts but His very presence. His presence is the greatest blessing and the answer to all your needs.
Because unlimited access to His presence is now available you also have unlimited access to the benefits of His presence that you will discover.
What are the benefits of His presence?
You come into His presence of LOVE
You come into His presence of COMFORT
You come into His presence of REST
You come into His presence of JOY
You come into His presence of STRENGTH
You come into His presence of VICTORY