Just Mercy
Join us on Easter Sunday 2020 for our Easter Message – Just Mercy.
Why did Jesus die on a Roman Cross?
Was there no other way to bring about the Father’s plan?
And what on earth has Just Mercy go to do with it?
Justice and Mercy and the two reasons why Jesus went to the cross.
Justice and mercy were modelled by Jesus in his life and death. And the new creation that started at Easter made it possible for His followers to be renewed to be tranformers through the power of Just Mercy.
“Prophets promised a coming day when a king from David’s family would bring justice, peace and prosperity to the whole world. The coming king would defeat the wicked, oppressive nations and would rebuild God’s temple.”
“The people who were longing for God alone to be their king were clinging to the hope set out in scripture: the hope that, after all these years, Israel’s God would return to be with his people, to rescue them, to restore them, to condemn their oppressors, to take charge, to do justice, to sort things out, to rule over them like a good king should, but unlike any actual human king they had ever known.
Wright, Tom. Simply Jesus (pp. 34, 51-52). SPCK. Kindle Edition.