We need to discover the “Power of the Pause”
The eighth talk in our “One Another Series” this week focuses on the challenge to “Bear with one Another”. To do this we need to discover the “Power of the Pause”.
Jesus came to bring unity. Unity between God and mankind, unity in the church and unity ultimately between all people everywhere. One look at the world around us and it’s clear this purpose is yet to be fulfilled.
But we have great hope. With the power of the gospel and the Holy Spirit working in us and through us we can see progress and trust that when Jesus returns the work will be completed.
A key characteristic we need to get us there is to be able to “bear with one another”. To be able to respond correctly when we are hurt, let down or frustrated by those around us. To be patient with one another. No one finds it easy. But Jesus bore with us and has given us the wisdom and power to follow his example. Lets find out how!
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