“I am your servant; give me discernment …“
– Psalms 119:125
Did you know that as Christians we are called to have and live with a sixth sense so that we are able to determine the best choices to make?
Every day we have choices to make. We have to choose between right and wrong, good and evil but also between good and the best. Not every good opportunity that is presented to you is the best choice. Not everything that is good is right for you. You need a sixth sense to choose what is best and to examine situations carefully.
Exercising your sixth sense will help you experience the abundant life, it will keep you from dangerous paths, it will prevent you from slipping and stumbling, it will protect you from fear and help you to sleep soundly like a baby.
This sixth sense in the Bible is called discernment. In this message, we look look at an example in the Old Testament of a King who lacked discernment and learn how we can live with discernment and walk in love and the abundant life Jesus offers.
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