Our Commitment

Our Commitment

Vine Church COVID-19 Action Plan July 2020

The Vine Church is committed to providing a safe place to visit.  We have implemented a number of changes as advised by the Scottish government.  This is so we can safely welcome you back safely and we are so looking forward to welcoming you back.  We have missed you.

For your safety we have

  • Provided hand sanitiser stations on arrival and around the conference centre
  • Limited numbers to keep you safe
  • Displayed signs at the entrance and throughout our building to clearly communicate safety messages for visitors, staff and volunteers
  • Implemented social distancing measures such as ‘one-way’ systems and floor markers for your protection
  • Limited the number of rooms we use at one time to keep everyone safe
  • Restricted the numbers allowed in our toilets at any one time, to assist with social distancing
  • Introduced enhanced and more frequent cleaning routines throughout the building
  • Provided training for staff on the new procedures we have put in place to keep everyone safe
  • Changed the way we provide catering to provide quality food with maximum safety and minimum contact
  • Ensured we are fully compliant with Scottish Government “Coronavirus (COVID-19): events sector guidance”
  • Ensured all our staff have completed (or are working towards completion) on the training course:  “COVID-19 Essentials:  Infection Prevention and PPE”

What we are asking of you

  • Stay at home if you, or anyone you have been in contact with, have experienced symptoms of coronavirus in the last 14 days
  • Maintain a social distance by staying the recommended distance apart from anyone outside your household
  • Use the hand sanitising stations provided before you enter the building and frequently throughout your stay and after contacting surfaces

Washing hands with liquid soap and warm water

Hand hygiene using Alcohol Based Hand Rub (ABHR)

  • Catch any coughs and sneezes and dispose of tissues in the bins provided
  • Please follow our one way system following floor markings and advice from signs throughout our building
  • Be responsible for and supervise any children in your group at all times and ensure they follow social distancing guidelines
  • Please follow and advice and guidance from our staff.  We may put temporary measures in place if necessary and may remind people of the guidance if it’s not being followed
  • In case of an emergency, event organisers must be aware of their nearest fire exits and explain to all of their group at the start of each day how to evacuate and congregate safely while maintaining physical distancing
  • If someone becomes unwell while at the Vine Church, visitors and event organisers must follow the guidance here
  • People at higher risk/shielding Certain groups of people are at higher risk of developing severe illness from COVID-19. Guidance on individuals who fall into this higher risk group can be found on the NHS Inform website, and government advice is available on how to keep themselves safe at each protection level.People in this higher risk group are advised to avoid indoor public spaces, including places of worship, in any area with protection level 3 or 4. If someone is part of a higher risk or extremely high risk group and wishes to attend a place of worship in person at this time, they should seriously consider whether to do so in line with the public health advice applicable to them and available on NHS Inform.
  • When wearing a face covering please follow the  guidance on face coverings
  1. wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for 20 seconds or use hand sanitiser before putting a face covering on, and after removing it
  2. when wearing a face covering, avoid touching your face or face covering, as you could contaminate them with germs from your hands
  3. change your face covering if it becomes damp or if you’ve touched it
  4. continue to wash your hands regularly
  5. change and wash your face covering daily
  6. if the material is washable, wash in line with manufacturer’s instructions. If it’s not washable, dispose of it carefully in your usual waste
  7. practice social distancing wherever possible

What to expect from your visit

  • Numbers will be limited to ensure social distancing can be adhered to
  • All event organisers will need to sign off our User Agreement 
  • All visitors will be given an arrival time to ensure social distancing can be followed
  • To support the NHS Test and Protect programme we need event organisers to collect your name and a contact telephone number, and submit it to the Conference Centre manager at the start of each day


  • There is plenty of parking so please park considerately and keep social distancing in the car park and on arrival when queuing at the front door
  • You will be given an arrival time so please keep to this time to prevent overcrowding
  • Information will be available in our pre-arrival video here to inform each person what to expect when they arrive
  • Hand sanitiser stations are provided on arrival and around the building for your use

Social Distancing

  • There will be floor markers and signs throughout the building to help us all adhere to social distancing
  • Our staff are encouraged to remind all visitors and colleagues to socially distance
  • Rooms will be set a maximum capacity as agreed with the Conference Centre Manager and seats and tables will be arranged to ensure maximum distancing

Hygiene and Cleaning Regimes

  • Hand sanitiser stations are provided on arrival and around the building for your use
  • Cleaning regimes increased with regular sanitisation of high contact areas and public toilets
  • We will keep certain doors open to reduce contact with surfaces
  • We will increase ventilation where possible by keeping certain doors and windows open

Public Toilets

  • Our toilets will be open with increased cleaning regimes in place
  • We have introduced “StepNPull Foot operated door openers” in our toilets to reduce touching door handles.
  • We have limited the number of people who can use our toilets at one time and included clear signage on the doors
  • Hand sanitising stations are available at the entrance to all toilets
  • Sanitiser wipes for surfaces are available in each bathroom

Around the Conference Centre

  • We have closed certain corridors and rooms to enable social distancing
  • Staff will be on hand to answer any questions and to assist with adhering to guidelines
  • There is a designated flow in place around the building
  • Please keep an eye out for the directional signs and follow the instructions provided


  • The baby change area will be sanitised daily and sanitising wipes will be available for visitors if they wish to clean them prior to use


  • We are not currently preparing or providing food or beverages until we receive clearer guidance from the Scottish government.  As a result, our kitchen and café will remain closed.  Our café is sectioned off to provide a corridor for our one-way system.
  • When our catering is available again here are some important points:
  • We have changed the way we provide catering to provide quality food with maximum safety and minimum contact
  • If you need to use our café, our conference centre manager will explain how the table service system will work
  • All food and drink will be served on disposables and all catering and food service staff will wear gloves, masks and aprons at all times
  • The tables and chairs have been arranged to allow for social distancing so we ask you not to rearrange them. They will be sanitised frequently

First Aid

  • Please be as safe as you can when using our building. It is very difficult to administer first aid and maintain social distancing. However, our staff will aim to help where possible and wear the required PPE to protect you and themselves.

Event Organisers

Sunday Services

Lots of people attend church here every Sunday. We meet at 10am..

Looking for a church?

Contact us to find out more about the Vine Church. We would be happy to answer any of your questions.

Listen Online

If you have missed any of our Sunday services or would like to listen to our latest sermons you can catch up here.