We had our Fight Club last night with around 35 guys and what an incredible night it was. Many thanks to Peter Paton for photos on the night.
The atmosphere was electric and guys enjoyed amazing curry together to help unwind from a busy day.
The Lost Voice Guy went down a storm. What could be better, a good curry with friends and some laughter?
We then watched some clips from the powerful episode of DIY SOS
“This week, Nick Knowles’s DIY SOS team, the flamboyant designer Laurence Llewelyn Bowen and volunteers pitch up in Avening, in the idyllic Cotswolds, to help project manager Ben, whose life was changed in a split second by a freak accident on holiday.
In April 2016, whilst holidaying in Cyprus with his partner Ella and daughters Iris and Olivia, Ben slipped and fell head-first into the shallow end of a pool, breaking his neck in three places. After months of treatment in Cyprus and Germany, he was finally flown back to the UK, where the Salisbury Spinal Unit made amazing progress with him over the next 12 months.”
At the end Nick asked the question:
Why don’t we value normality until it’s gone?
The guys discussed this in small groups and the answers were a powerful reminder not to take loved ones for granted in our lives or to take “normality” for granted.
We discussed “What is supremely important to you?” and we did an exercise together called the “funeral experience” to help us consider what matters most in our lives. The guys took some time to fill in “Tribute Statements” to help stimulate and understand what success really looks like for us.
We asked the question what is Fight Club? and started to paint a picture of the vision we have for men. We want to see men living happy, successful, meaningful, purposeful and fulfilling lives. This happens as we follow the road-map set for us by our head coach Jesus who walked the earth over 2000 years ago and who’s teaching is still impacting billions across the world in every continent today.
A man called John who was one of Jesus’ 12 disciples wrote these words in the 1st century:
“I pray that in every way you may succeed and prosper and be in good health (physically), just as (I know) your soul prospers (spiritually)”.
So at Fight Club we want men to succeed in life, prosper and be in good health physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
We talked about sharpening the saw and what that looks like for men to stop and take time to sharpen the saw of their lives in four key areas; Physical, Mental, Spiritual and Emotional.
Aaron gave a live demonstration of the rocks in jar analogy. This is about identifying the rocks in our lives and then ensuring we plan time and energy spent doing the “rocks”. The rocks are the things we values most highly in our lives. The Aussie version uses beer instead of water. This is meant to illustrate that if we prioritise the rocks in our lives first, there is always time left over for a beer with mates!
One of the rocks in our lives we identified as health and fitness and being good stewards of our physical bodies. That’s why we invited Josh McGonigal along to do a presentation on Health and Fitness.
Josh did an excellent job inspiring the men to prioritise their health and fitness and how to start with SMART goals. Josh shared his inspiring story of how he overcame the obstacles in his life and challenged the men to do the same. He also challenged men about their thinking and how to create more positive emotions by practicing gratitude and focusing on the positive things in our lives we are grateful for. A massive thanks to Josh for giving up his time to be with us and to help us win the battle of physical health. Please take a minute to visit Josh’s website – JM Fitness – Your Personal Online Trainer.
All in all it was another great night with some very positive feedback from the guys that came for the first time.
A massive thanks to all who helped prepare for the night and who helped make it possible on the night also. The date for our next fight Club is Thursday 29th November and we hope you can make it. Please do like our Facebook page to keep up to date and to continue to be inspired as you fight the right battles.