Home » Connect Wekends
To strengthen and grow friendships and relationships in the church and to help ensure everyone feels connected.
Any time on weekend 26th – 27th September 2020
A Connect Weekend is one where we meet in one another’s homes following all advice and guidance from Scottish government. If comfortable we encourage you to eat together again following guidance on eating. If there are children, do some fun party style games for the kids and let them play. Adults can play a game also if they want. Get to know each other. Ask each other questions to learn about people’s upbringing, faith journey, testimonies of what God has done in their life. Pray for each other.
To free up more time for the Connect Weekends, Zoom Church will be on Sunday nights at 8pm on those weekends. This will be a trial to see what it is like to do an evening service and freeing up more time during the day on a Sunday for Connect weekends to take place.
A host is someone who is willing to open up their home and welcome others in. Initial Hosts will be from Aaron and Lynsey’s leadership group and Life Group leaders. We will grow the number of hosts for future Connect weekends.
We ask all Hosts to follow the Scottish government guidelines below for “Meeting Others” indoors.
You are advised to meet people from no more than 1 other household at a time indoors or outdoors. You should stay at least 2 metres apart from people from other households at all times.
This limit applies if meeting others at home, in an outdoor space including a garden or park, or in a pub, restaurant or café. See guidance on meeting others in a pub, restaurant, café or other indoor hospitality venue.
For this reason you should meet in small numbers so that physical distancing will be possible.
Our advice is that no more than 6 people in total (from a maximum of 2 households) should meet at any time in such settings, except as explained below.
As long as physical distancing between members of different households is maintained, this can include overnight stays.
Children under 12 from the 2 households do not need to maintain physical distance and do not count towards the total number of people at the gathering. Adults accompanying these under 12s should maintain physical distancing from other adults not in their own household or an extended household.
You should not meet people from more than 4 other households in total (whether indoors and/or outdoors) each day.
Meeting no more than 4 other households each day will limit the risk that someone who had the virus without realising it could infect multiple households on the same day.
Connect Weekends offer the perfect opportunity to grow and develop our conversational skills. Many have great conversational skills, yet it is all something we can grow in and improve.
The art of conversation does not necessarily involves talking lots. More important than talking well is the ability to ask good questions, listen well and then ask more probing, open questions to learn more about the other person.
On the attachment below are some tips and ideas. A lot of the information below is from the book “Conversationally Speaking” by Alan Garner.
To learn more read “Conversationally Speaking” by Alan Garner.
Contact us to find out more about the Vine Church. We would be happy to answer any of your questions.
If you have missed any of our Sunday services or would like to listen to our latest sermons you can catch up here.
The Vine Church
131 Garvock Hill
Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland, KY11 4JU
Tel: 01383-631001
Email: mail@thevinechurch.net